Page 1 - Perry Bluejay Bulletin - Spring 2022
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BlueJay Bulletin
A publication of the Perry Iowa Community School District
1102 Willis Avenue #200, Perry, Iowa 50220 • 515-465-4656 •
High School: 515-465-3503 • Middle School: 515-465-3531 • Elementary: 515-465-5656
2021-2022 - Spring Issue
News from Our
Superintendent Good Things In
This Issue
Clark Wicks Page 1 - Right Here
Early Morning Work
PHS Work Study Experience
elcome to the second edition - Elementary Supervisor. Pages 2-3 - Inside
of The Bluejay Bulletin. Thanks 6:30 AM - Technology Department Coping During Summer
Wagain to Mr. Burger and his me- EL Program
dia class for providing a platform to share • Total Student Computers - 1923; Total Staff Events Calendar
Perry Community School’s information, ac- Computers - 363; Projectors - 148; Servers - 10;
Building Cameras - 130; FOB Door Readers
complishments and upcoming highlights. - 84; iPads - 567; Wireless Network: 154 Ac-
In the last Bluejay Bulletin I referenced the cess Points; Number of Devices working during Page 4 - On the Back
importance of Bluejay Pride and a Growth school hours - 2,387; Printers/Copiers - 64. State of Iowa’s Education
Mindset. In this edition I will share some in- • Rich Nichols - Director of Technology; Nancy Director visits Perry
formation with the framework around, “One Iben - Assistant Director; Dakota Ellett - Elemen- Cafeteria Updates!
Morning at Perry Community Schools.” This tary Tech Support.
will highlight the work of departments from
6:00 AM to 7:00 AM. 6:35AM - Transportation Department
• Has 18 yellow buses, 10 sub-
6:00AM - PACES (Perry Ac- urban/Vans in its fleet.
ademic, Cultural, & Enrich-
ment Services) • Buses starting rolling out at
• Mission: Provide a program
that will compliment the student’s • Nine Yellow Dedicated Bus
classroom work through home- Drivers, Six Dedicated Suburban/
work help, tutoring, enrichment Vans transport approximately 600
education, character education, students daily; buses and vehicles
fitness & nutrition education, and travel 800 miles daily.
life skills activities. • Troy Griffith - Director of Trans-
portation; Ralph Walker - Mechan-
• Started in August 2000. PHS Work Study Experience
• Open 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM Dai- The Perry High School Work Study Experience is
ly - School Year & Summers. 7:00AM - Maintenance De- a work program that provides on-the-job training
partment and work experience for students with unique
• Mary Hillman - Director; Lila learning needs. Students in the Work Experience
Modlin - Site Coordinator; 14 Ded- • Responsible for Three School program have an opportunity to learn employ-
icated Staff. Buildings (400,000 SF of Build- ability skills in the classroom as well as on-the-
ings), 54 Acres, Cleaning and job training at various job sites throughout the
6:00AM - Nutrition Depart- Maintaining for 1750 Students, community. Students have worked at Fareway,
ment 309 Staff, 1100 Scheduled Events and Activi- Perry Perk, Raccoon River Pet Rescue, Perry
Grand 3 Theater, Hyvee, DMACC, and the Per-
•Food preparation for breakfast starts at ties. ry Community Schools Administration Center.
6:00 AM • 12 Dedicated Maintenance Staff.
•Nutrition Departments Serves 600 students • Facilitated Construction for 6.4 million dol- This semester they are working 3 days a week
from 2-3pm where they complete tasks such as
for breakfast, 1400 students for lunch. lar Industrial Technology, Multi-Purpose Room, cleaning, restocking, washing and more. Students
•22 Dedicated Staff Members. $500,000 Dewey Track Renovation and 10 have a checklist of tasks they complete each day
million dollar Perry Middle School Renovation working in colaboration with others. On another
•Meladee Steele - Director; Natasha Heg- during the past three years. day they remain at PHS to discuss their experience
strom - High School Supervisor; Karen Kliewer and problem solving challenges for the day.