Page 4 - Perry Bluejay Bulletin - Spring 2022
P. 4

From the Elementary - Mr. Marzen

                                   n December 7th, Iowa’s Department of Education Director, Dr. Ann Lebo, visited Perry Elementary
                                OSchool to witness how we incorporate computer science within our school day. Dr. Ann Lebo was
                                joined by over a dozen other professionals from various entities, such as the employees from the Iowa
                                Department of Education, school officials, and local/state media. This was a special opportunity to
                                showcase how we implemented our 2019 Computer Science is Elementary award across our school.
                                  During this visit, Dr. Ann Lebo was able to witness how we utilize many different computer science ac-
                                tivities which include, but are not lim-
                                ited to: unplugged activities, comput-
                                er  science read  alouds,  block  based
                                coding,  robotics such as BeeBots,
                                Spheros, and the iRobot Root. Every-
                                one  came away very impressed with
                                what our elementary school  is doing
     in regards to computer science.
      In  conclusion,  December 7th was  a  great  way  to  highlight  all  the
     amazing things our teachers are doing to implement computer science
     in the classroom. Please ask your child(ren) what computer science
     activities they have participated in this past year. I am sure you will be
     amazed with what they have learned!

      Ryan Marzen, Perry Elementary School Principal
                                                                       Dr. Ann Lebo and our 5th grade student Saturnino.
                                                                       Photo Courtesy of Iowa Department of Education.

       FOOD from our Cafeterias Excitement!

         Quick Question:  How many breakfasts and lunches does our
         nutrition staff serve in a day with how many staff members?
         Answer is below the fun that the department had recently.

      Perry Nutrition Staff and Students attended the AEA New Items Food Show in Denison
      on Tuesday March 29th.
      What an experience!  There was over 75 vendors and over 200 items to sample.  Wasn’t
      sure what to expect.  Hoping the students would not be disappointed.  After visiting only
      2 booths one of the students said “You thought we would be disappointed?”  What a
      All booths had samples.  The samples ranged from breakfast entrée, to lunch entrée, to snacks, and beverages.  There were enchiladas,
      chili, pizza rolls, frozen yogurt, brownies, cake, and smoothies.  These items were all compliant with school nutrition requirements.
      They not only sampled as they walked around but they also collected samples to take home.  They had full bags! (I don’t think much made
      it all the way home) It wasn’t only a fun trip; the students did have a small assignment.   The show needed feedback and so did the Perry
      Nutrition Staff.
      The students were given a clipboard, a sheet of paper with 3 questions, a pen and a bag.  They were asked to sample as much as they
      wanted and to write down 3 items they would like to see added to our school menus, 3 items they did not want on the menu and 3-5 items
      they would like their peers to sample.
      After all sampling was complete everyone sat at a table to discuss all the favorites.  There were several.  Trips back into the venue were
      made to make sure we saw everything the students liked. Everyone made a top 16 list of their favorites.  This list will be reviewed by the
      AEA.  They will work on making these items available for next school year.
      The students pose for a photo before heading home.  They are holding some of their favorite samples; Dr. Pepper zero (compliant for grades
      9-12), a Benefit bar (notice each student has one), Hot Cheetos with Lime and a Ruby Rush juice. These students were terrific! A great time
      was had by all!  - Breakfast 590, Lunch 1400 with 23 Staff members preparing everything
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