Page 2 - Perry Bluejay Bulletin - Spring 2022
P. 2

Perry’s EL Program - Mr. Vidergar

                                   e are very fortunate to have  English language and academic content depending on the stu-
                              Wstudents from around the  dent’s knowledge of English. If a student is a newcomer, mean-
                              world attending school here in Per-  ing he/she is new either new to the United States or new to
                              ry, Iowa. This year there are 355  public schools, English Learner (EL) teachers provide intensive
                              English Learners in Perry, repre-  services with a goal of helping the student learn basic English
                              senting 21% of the total student  and the daily routines of how a school works.
                              population. In the past, as many as   If a student knows some English, then EL teachers collabo-
                              26% of students have been English   rate with classroom teachers to provide services that help the
                              Learners.                        student grow his/her understanding of English as well as assist
                                Our English Learners come from  with learning academic knowledge and skills.
                              22 countries including places such   Each year, English Learners take the English Language Profi-
     as Adigala (a region inside Ethiopia), China, Columbia, El Salva-  ciency Assessment, or ELPA21. This assessment helps students
     dor, Eritrea, Guatemala, Mexico, Malaysia, Tanzania, Thailand,   and teachers monitor progress  in learning  English.  There are
     Morocco, and Honduras to name a few. Throughout our district,   four parts to the test – listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
     students speak 12 different languages including Arabic, Dinka,   If a student achieves a score of a 4 or 5 on each of the four parts,
     Japanese, the Karen languages, Kunama, Malayalam, Portu-  he/she is proficient in English and will no longer need services.
     guese, Swahili, Tagalog, Tigrinya, Vietnamese, and Spanish.   However, teachers continue to monitor each student who leaves
      The goal of Perry’s English Learner program is to ensure all  EL services for two to four years in order to ensure that the stu-
     English Learner students develop English proficiency and aca-  dent is successful.
     demic proficiency. There are 10 English Language Proficiency   We have an amazing team of English Learner teachers in
     standards that guide our work on ensuring our students reach   each building who work every day in partnership with classroom
     proficiency in English. In addition, we assist classroom teach-  teachers to provide a positive, nurturing, and engaging learning
     ers in ensuring our students reach proficiency in academic stan-  environment for our EL students.
                                                                 Kevin Vidergar, Director of Teaching and Learning
      We use different approaches to help students learn both the

                              Coping Skills and Self-Care Tips to

                              Maintaining Mental Health During the

                              Summertime - Mr. Suarez

                                 he warmth, relaxation, and the  through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth will
                              TFlexibility that summer brings  help to normalize or prevent any feelings of depression or anx-
     can be an exciting time but for some, summer months can  iety.
     have the potential to trigger feelings of being overwhelmed   Maintain a Healthy sleep schedule: Just because school is
     and loosing control. Expectations of being carefree can put a   out for summer and students can stay up late and sleep in
     lot of pressure on those who are struggling with depression,   does not mean they should. Parents should try to maintain a
     anxiety or any other psychological condition. It is important   healthy and steady sleep schedule for themselves and for the
     for those who are seeing a therapist to keep attending their   students because it is an essential component of our mental
     regular sessions or making phone calls to their therapist for a   health.
     check in and for those who are taking medication for depres-
     sion or anxiety continue to take their meds as prescribed by   Stay active and think positively: whether it is going to the
     their doctor. Coping Skills and Self-Care are utilized by people   gym, practicing yoga, dancing, swimming, playing sports or
     who have emotional problems or for those want to maintain   taking a walk is all good and beneficial to boost your mood
     their mental health.                                      and help your brain to have better positive thoughts. Getting
                                                               out of town and experiencing a change in scenery is a great
      Get outside and practice deep breathing exercises: Exposure   way to unwind and regain your energy. Remember that during
     to natural sunlight increases levels of vitamin D and serotonin   summer  months  it  is  easy  to  stay  on  the  couch  and  binge-
     which are known to boost your mood. Taking a moment to    watch the latest, television program or Netflix series.
     step outdoors smell the roses, take a walk and inhale slowly
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